Our guide to support children’s digital journey including conversations for children from pre-school to pre-teens, safety advice, and online behaviour tips.

1. Conversations
Whatever the age of your child, it’s never too late or too early to talk about what they do online and why. Having regular conversations gives you insight on when to offer help and makes it easier for them to share concerns about anything that may upset them online.

2. Safety
Take advantage of the great tech tools, broadband filters and parental control settings on apps, platforms and devices they use to create a safer environment for them to explore online.

3. Behaviour
As soon as they are able to share and interact with others online, talk to them about what it means to be a good digital citizen and emphasise the importance of developing a good digital footprint.

4. Timing
Screen time can be both educational and entertaining for children but it can also be a distraction from other activities. Help children find the right balance by establishing a family agreement on when, where and how they should be using screens, making sure to review this as they grow.

5. Exploring
As children expand their digital world by exploring different media, using social media and playing online games, encourage them to question what they see to build critical thinking. Give them coping strategies so they know where to go for help and who to talk to for support.

Download the guide here.


Check out more resources at Internet Matters and our Family Digital Well-Being Hub.