Equip toddlers, tweens, and teens with the know-how to thrive online and get the best out of their screen use with these top tips.

1. Lead by example
Just like anything, children copy their parents’ actions and behaviour. If you set boundaries for your own screen, it will be easier for your kids to do the same.

2. Set boundaries WITH your kids
Get them involved in the process of setting age appropriate limits on how long they can spend online, at what times and on which platforms. Set up screen-free times or rooms where screens are out of sight and therefore more likely to be out of mind. Review these as they get older and give them the space to take greater responsibility for their screen use.
3. Ensure a healthy mix of screen activity
Make sure they have a good balance of screen activities that encourage creativity, learning & education, connecting with family & friends, as well as using devices for passively engaging with content.

4. Avoid using screen time as a reward
This will elevate the status of screen time above other activities and like using food as a reward may encourage children to simply want more.

5. Physical activity & sleep are really important
Make sure screens are not displacing these things by keeping screens out of bedrooms at bed time and that you are creating opportunities for your children to be active each day.

5 tips to help children adopt a healthy digital diet

Down the guide here.


Check out more resources at Internet Matters, and our Family Digital Well-Being Hub.