On the outskirts of Bedfordshire, 45 miles north-west of London lies the new town of Milton Keynes. Milton Keynes is home to an Amazon fulfilment centre named after the local Luton airport, LTN1.
Daniela Cotoros joined the LTN1 team in 2015 as a fulfilment centre associate and is responsible for packing orders so they can be shipped to customers.
“For me Amazon is such a great place to work because it fits around my schedule well, I work nights so I am able to take my girls to school in the mornings,” said Daniela.

As part of a programme called ‘I Found the Right Place’ Amazon invited employees from fulfilment centres across the UK to explain what they like best about working at Amazon and why it is the right place for them. More than 800 employees from across the UK and dozens from each site put pen to paper.
In her entry to the programme, Daniela wrote “I have found the Career Choice programme to be a great benefit as my dream is to work in finance so I am currently studying accountancy; I have completed level 2 and am now starting level 3.”
All of the entries were anonymised and the best entry from each fulfilment centre was chosen. The chosen employees were invited on an all-expenses-paid trip to Seattle, U.S., to explore the Amazon head office and see where it all started.
During the five-day trip to Seattle, Daniela and Amazon colleagues from sites across the UK were shown around the city and enjoyed a trip up the Space Needle. They also went on a tour of the Amazon campus and the robotics fulfilment centre in Kent, Washington, where they met Amazon’s chief scientist.
“Being in Seattle was awesome! I thought the Amazon Spheres were amazing and I loved being able to explore the city, ‘Ride the Ducks’ (a land and water tour bus) and go up the Space Needle,” said Daniela.
Speaking to future Amazon candidates, Daniela said: “At Amazon I feel like I am part of a big family where each individual can contribute to making customers happy, especially at Christmas time! Achievements are recognised and lead to career progression and the benefits are great!”