There’s a lot more to your Prime membership than fast, free delivery and access to tons of great entertainment benefits. Prime helps members get the most out of Amazon—which means it comes with a number of great benefits, including all sorts of shopping discounts, deals, and conveniences.

The sale offers discounts on items in popular categories ranging from Electronics, Home & Garden, Toys and Amazon Devices.

Read on to find instructions on how to sign up for a Prime membership.

How to sign up for a Prime membership on a mobile browser

  1. Use your mobile browser and navigate to
  2. Before you sign up for Prime, you need an Amazon account. If you already have one, skip to step five.
  3. Select the “Create Account” option.
  4. Enter the requested information and tap “Continue.”
  5. Tap on the three-line menu button on the bottom right of the screen and tap “Try Prime.”
  6. Tap “Prime Free Trial” and follow the on-screen instructions to choose your membership and confirm your billing and delivery address.
  7. You’ll be automatically charged for Prime after the free trial period, cancel anytime.
  8. Download the Amazon app for an even better shopping experience.
Whether you’re thinking of joining Prime, or you’ve been with us for a while, it’s important to know how to maximise your membership.

How to sign up for a Prime membership on desktop

  1. Navigate to in your internet browser. If you are not already an Amazon customer, you will need to create an account.
  2. Hover over the “Hello, sign in. Accounts & lists” button on the top right of the screen. Tap the “Start Here” button next to the “New Customer?” prompt.
  3. Enter the requested information and tap the “Continue” button.
  4. When you’re signed up, once again hover over the “Hello [your name]” button. Click on the “Prime membership” button in the drop-down menu.
  5. Follow the on-screen prompts, choosing the type of Prime membership you want and entering your billing information.
  6. Confirm your billing and delivery address.
  7. You’ll be automatically charged for your membership after the free trial period.

A Prime membership is £8.99 per month, or £95 per year if you pay annually—but Amazon also offers several discounted membership options with the same valuable benefits including fast, free delivery on millions of items, exclusive perks, and savings for eligible members. You can learn more about those memberships below.

Learn all about the special benefits and latest offers, including a free year's subscription to Deliveroo Plus.

How to know if you qualify for a Prime Student membership

Amazon offers a 30-day trial for Prime, so you can take advantage of Prime’s benefits without paying a membership fee for 30 days to see if a membership is right for you.  

But if the Prime membership fee is out of your budget, don’t fret. Amazon offers Prime Student as a discounted membership option.

An illustration of people using their Prime membership

Prime Student is £4.49 per month or £47.49 per year (after a free six-month trial) for members enrolled in higher education. In addition to enjoying all of Prime’s benefits, Prime Student includes additional exclusive perks and discounts designed specifically for students and apprentices.

To qualify for a Prime Student membership, you’ll need to use your email address when you register.